I didn’t plan to achieve 80% of my goals in the first 5 months of the year, but it happened. If you have been around for a while, you know I started doing a digital vision board last year. I love how it helps my goals stay top of mind. The digital board did remind me of my goals more often, but it didn’t actually help me achieve them. Check out my tips below to learn how I actually did it.
Narrow Down Your Goals
I use to set a ton of goals, and at the end of each year, I was sad when I had more unachieved than the latter. I started lowering the number of goals I set for the year and found that 5 was the sweet spot for me. It allowed me to not only focus but do more than cross them off. I was able to build healthy habits and make true lifestyle changes.
Build An Action Plan
Setting goals is only the first step. I had to explore how I was going to achieve them. What did success look like for each goal? What did success look like weekly, monthly, annually? Some goals required daily calendar alerts, while others required a few months of work before evaluating. Setting a plan to achieve each goal made them more digestible and less scary.
Set Realistic Deadlines For Your Goals
A lot of times we quit before we actually give ourselves time to get the hang of something. I set a date and said even if only one person reads my blog, I am going to give it my all until that point. At that point, I will do a deep dive and decide if it’s something I would like to continue. I can’t blog for one week and say it’s not working. I have to give myself time to learn, grow, and work on the plan.
Be Specific Yet Open
Do we all want to get in shape and lose weight? Probably. Is it realistic for me to lose 10 pounds a month? Probably not. 30 minutes of movement, 4 days a week, is specific and showing progress without putting insane pressure on myself. I am building a healthy lifestyle that is sustainable and deeper than crossing a goal off my list. Set specific goals but be open as you approach them.
Extend Yourself Some Grace
When I check in and see I may not be showing progress towards one goal, I don’t stress. I ask myself why I am not progressing and tweak my plan. Maybe I need to change the time of day because I am too tired after work to workout. Maybe I need to check my budget weekly vs. monthly to see why I am not saving as much as I would like. Extending myself grace allows me room to evaluate and adjust.
No one is going to beat me with a stick if I don’t achieve all my goals, but I did set them for a reason. Knowing the why behind each goal keeps me motivated. Having a plan for each goal helps me stay on track without feeling overwhelmed. Goal setting can help you grow and reach new heights in your life. Do a little work, check in regularly, and be honest with yourself. I promise you will start to cross those goals off vs. re-writing them again in January.
XOXO, Laya
daing says
Hi, just wanted to tell you, I enjoyed this post.
It was helpful. Keep on posting!
LayaB says
Thanks so much!!