A few months ago I wrote a post on How To Create A Budget. It was one of the most read posts to date! I won’t bury the lead. The first key to sticking to a budget is to create one. If you have not done that yet, check out this post and then come back to this one. Once you have your budget, check out the 5 tips below to help you stick to it.
1. Check-in Often
How do you know if your budget is working if you are not checking in on it? This is a document you should be reviewing at least monthly! I look at ours every other week to ensure everything is being paid on time and we are on track! It also helps me identify where we may have issues or need to make adjustments.
2. Attack The Big Offenders
If you are overspending on food, challenge yourself to only eat out x times a week. If you always overspend on groceries, try ordering online so you don’t pick up random junk. You also may simply need to increase this line item and that is okay! If clothes are your vice, try a thrifting or a no-spend challenge. If you are tracking your spending and checking in, it’ll be a lot easier for you to adjust. Don’t beat yourself up, make adjustments that help you reach your money goals.
3. Sell Stuff To Pay For New Stuff
Some purchases are just not in the budget, but that doesn’t mean they are completely off the table. Selling your quality items is a great way to make some extra cash, but still, shop while sticking to your budget. You can use easy sites like Facebook marketplace or Poshmark. You can also go the professional route. If you are in the Atlanta area, Chapes-JPL is a business that has amazing reviews and they will buy your valuables or offer a pawn loan near Johns Creek, and all around Atlanta! I know for more expensive items, I would feel better using a reputable buyer that has the tools in place to offer a safe and private selling of my items.
4. Sleep On Big Purchases
You know what you consider big so I won’t put a limit on big. Small spending rules like any purchase over $100 has to be slept on. This will hopefully remove the impulse and help you think through what this purchase means for your budget. Taking a day could help you generate other ideas to fund this purchase, decide if you really need it, or plan it into your budget for the future. Wed don’t believe in deprevation but we do plan so an impulse purchase doesn’t derail our goals too much.
5. Pay Yourself In Cash
If you are still struggling to stick to your budget after a few months, try paying yourself in cash. I know it’s not as convenient but if you physically see your money getting low you will slow down on spending. Auto-pay is another way to stay on track and this doesn’t only apply to bills. Set up auto-pay for yourself so you know exactly what you have to spend. This way you won’t play the what’s left is mine game and run out of money if you forget about a bill or something. This also applies to savings. Get that money allotted for savings and bills out of your everyday checking account so you don’t touch it. Our bills and savings each have their own accounts!
I know sticking to a budget can be difficult but financial freedom is worth the work! Selling our cars and moving in with our parents to save and pay off debt was not an option for us. I also know that if we didn’t budget to enjoy life while paying off debt, it would be harder for us to stick with it. I plan vacations and home projects to avoid getting burnt out or defeated by paying off debt. Find ways that work for you or you won’t stick with it! No matter the approach you take, I promise it will be worth it in the end. Find me on Instagram or Facebook if you have any budget questions! I am here to help you win!
XOXO, Laya
Dr. Helm says
I love this information. Thank you for making it easy to understand. I have to admit that #3 seems like a no-brainer but I never thought to do it. I am personally going to re-evaluate and make #3 happen, within the next 30 days (I love committing to a challenge)! I also believe #3 can be a great way to assist with anxiety and increasing gratitude, which is a significant ingredient for positive mental health. Thanks for the tips Laya!
LayaB says
I am so glad you enjoyed it!! I’ll be checking in with you in 30 days!!! Small changes can make a big impact!!